Thursday, April 3, 2014

We are on iTunes! Woo-HOOO!!!!

On Monday, after battling the iTunes bureaucracy over the size of my icon (which I had to redesign and am not terribly happy with at this point--it may ultimately change), I finally got it submitted and now, three days later, Episode 1 is officially up in the iTunes store!  For the moment, I'm going to make this show a bi-weekly one (that gives me time to watch a movie, organize my notes, take whatever sound bites I need, and record the episode in the midst of all of the other lunacy going on in my life), and the first six episodes are basically the show's test run.  If things become a bit less hectic, I may consider switching it to a weekly show.  In any case, to see this in the iTunes store gave me quite a euphoric feeling...I feel as though I am OFFICIALLY a podcaster now!

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